Mallorca-United is built on these values
This is our foundation:
We base all our decisions and actions on these values.
Yes, we don’t always manage to adhere to them 100%, but we endeavour every day not only to integrate them more and more into our thoughts, emotions and actions, but above all to live them.
Every person is worth the same. The dignity of every person is inviolable. We accept every person for who they are.
We all live together on this earth. We want to live with this community. It is important for us to be connected with our fellow to be in connection. Because we are all one big family.
We wish everyone a fulfilled life. We support this, that as many people as possible can find and live their vocation.
We want to live in a world where people respect each other. It is therefore important to us in our community that we treat each other with patience and understanding. with each other.
Life is for living. Our wish for every person is that they can live in can live in joy. We have fun in everything we do. For us, this is an essential point that must never be forgotten.
We want to live in a society in which every in which everyone has the freedom to choose and where everyone can live in freedom. can live in freedom. However, freedom ends where it infringes on the freedom of others.
Our motto is ‘The more authentic, the better’. We want truthfulness and authenticity in our community.
It is very important to us that everyone is treated equally and that we adhere to we adhere to agreements in the community. Everyone gets the same opportunity and everyone receives the same conditions.
We want a society that treats people with love. For us, the value of love describes an optimistic, unconditional, supportive and benevolent togetherness.
We see the human being as a triad of body, mind and soul. Our community is therefore holistically orientated and includes all three aspects. aspects.
Everyone should be able to live in the best possible state of health. possible. That is why we promote holistic health and endeavour to and endeavour to avoid harmful substances.
Peace on earth
Peace on earth. Peace for all and everyone. We wish for peaceful peaceful interaction with each other in the community.